Thursday 27 October 2011

Effective relationships.

Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs

Proverbs 10:12

Have you ever been through times when things didnt go right, over and over again. it's difficult to control our emotions, our temper, our tears & pain.

See times when you dont maintain peace, problems arise. words could just be the fire starter to a eruption. People dont really like the nakedness of your words, you could say you are being honest, being real. But how often you realise your attempt of being real makes things worst. How often you realise, your partner stop talking to you.

Often we need to understand that God just somehow dont unite people that are the same. We are placed together to compliment each other. We just need to learn to complete and not compete. Society today, makes up percieve otherwise. God placed our partners around to cover us with love. Not just someone to have fun with or sex with. Media today gives us the wrong concept of things, sadly.

God placed man to be a leader and woman to be the helper. Although authority must be maintain, but it must be gentle yet firm at the same time. You dont shake a head without moving a muscle. No point screaming, shouting and become all violent. Your woman are part of you, always remember. Fights and arguments, just show that you're not a winner but a loser. simply because you both are risking your love and happiness over something small and silly.

Dont attempt to change things, but rather rearrange things.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

We have to learn to be accountable for our actions towards our partner.
How often we understand this fact, that we got to cherish that someone God placed in our life.People dont come along so frequent, and paths dont cross easily.


Dont play the BLAME game, because no one is at fault, something small just went wrong somewhere, fix it together. Doesnt matter who is wrong because you both are in it together. Treat each other the way God would treat you. You are not the one who is placed to correct your partner. God will do the job. You are placed there to help in the correction.

You are that green pen for your partner.

Have you heard that your partner would change automatically, when they discover something is wrong somewhere, and that fix come from a conviction. Respect is the key to changes!

We are there to solve problems not create problems. Even if theres wrong here and there, we treat each other with Grace. Because God's mercy endures forever. Even how negative we are, God loved us. So partners, do you love him/her the way God would have loved him/her?

Remember , your love one should be the last one you want to see dissapointed.

1- Being there for each other
- always go beyond what you can get in a relationship. ( fullfillment is always in what you sowed. )

2- Have you intentions re-adjust
- Be the best for her/him. ( always think what i can give to her/him instead of what i can gain from her/him. )

3- Prevent problems before it starts
- be understanding enough to read body languages. ( your response determined if they were going to speak to you ever again. )

4- Never respond to a attitude with a attitude
- always respond positive. ( you cant control how others treat you but you can control how you treat others )

5- Willingness to cover and keep on going.
- be at the weakest of your partner, cover him/her. protect her/him. " Love covers a multitude of sin "

6- Always ask what can i do to improve this relationship.
7- Loved with all your Heart.

A Relationship is fragile.
So be blame & not to blame others.

Wednesday 27 April 2011


he been through so much to give the best gift to us, GRACE ...

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness...”- (2 Corinthians 12:9)

The word sufficient simply means competent, enough or qualified. It also means you always have whatever you need by God's grace. I always knew, we serve a God who is more than enough. This is FAITH!

Faith will bring you through everything. Faith in knowing that I will never face anything that God’s grace cannot empower you to move through. His word are like promises to his people.

I never knew meditating on the word will bring me courage to walk on with the burdens or problems i carry. - but now i know because i experience that lightness in every heavy times.

Sometimes, what we are going through has a purpose. But God has given each of us gifts, and He’s given us the grace, the supernatural power to operate in those gifts. So if the problems you are going through is a gateway to something brighter, something bigger, & if God has called you to do something, He has equipped you by His grace. - & that gives us relieve.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us...” - (Romans 12:6)

Therefore ! Anytime you feel weak, remember, when you rely on His grace, that is when you are at your strongest. When you feel like you can’t go on, that’s when He will carry you by His grace. It's a customize grace for you.

You know you are not alone.

Everyone has days when they feel weak. But God has given them His grace too. It will carry them through their difficult times and empower all to move forward in victory. Everyone has their problems too but God is with them too.

Friends, no matter what you may be facing, you’re not facing it alone. You have hope, you are not without resources, your answers are provided long time ago. His grace is sufficient! - and that is all you need.

The bible says ... ... His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That means when we are doing what we are called to do, we are operating in our gift, so there will be a light feeling about it. It's a courage God has given you with. Learn how to move forward to victory with his GIFT. Well,that doesn’t mean there won’t be any opposition. It doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles.

You know , If you are doing something that always seems hard, always seems so heavy and it always drains the energy out of you, this means a big breakthrough is coming. so the clue here is to spend some time with God in prayer. you will feel his strength- HIS GRACE!

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Anticipating Encounter

Tomorrow is my baptism .. and i m just so excited for a fresh touch from God. A new day, a new encounter.

I believe that in the coming years, God wants to exceed my expectations! He has amazing things stored up for me. He’ll take me to places that i have never dreamed and give me breaks that once seemed sooo impossible. I believe that His glory is rising upon His people. - US !

This new day for me, I believe that things are going to fall into place so that i can accomplish what God has placed in my heart. Even the hidden dreams that i may have once given up on, God has not given up on them.- i just know that fact for sure. BECAUSE for the simple fact that he does exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask, think or imagine!

see one of the most amazing transformations in the Bible happened when Saul(formerly the persecutor of Christians ) he encountered God. After his encounter, he was so radically changed from the inside out that even his name was changed to Paul. He began preaching the gospel, and eventually, HE WROTE MOST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.

Hearing all these stories, i just couldnt sit still. just like how your tummy growls when you are hungry, u cant stop it other than eating. same here, when you are spiritually hungry, you just long so much for God. -and i was just reading through foundation truth (by derek prince) part 3 on baptism it just made me more hungry! the yearning is just so unexplainable! i tried to eat some chips to ease that hunger, to realize its all in my mind, theres nothing to do with my tummy.

Just so .... i cant wait for a fresh encounter with God tomorrow.!!!

i Know .. When you have a supernatural encounter with Almighty God, something is going to happen. Something is going to be transformed inside of ME and radiate out into every part of MY being, MY life affecting every part of my life!

SEE ! - isnt it exciting ?

but we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18 )

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 )

those going for baptism tomorrow, or has plans to go sometime soon, I want to encourage you to prepare your heart to expect God’s supernatural touch in your life. - START NOW! your mind may try to talk you out of it, but if you’ll listen with your heart, it will resonate on the inside of you. Don’t let discouragement hold you back or keep you down. It’s time for you to arise. It’s time for you to shine. I pray that you experience God in such a way that every bondage is broken off of your life, and you are forever changed by a supernatural encounter with Him! AMEN!

Sunday 10 April 2011

stumbling blocks

what will you do when you are walking along the road and something caused you fall? maybe a rock caused you to trip and fall. probably, you will just get up, smile and walk away. Frankly speaking , i got the inspiration to write this from the "drop" i had yesterday...

in our spiritual journey, our enemy placed many rocks in our pathway. SATAN darkened the street lamps and make you fall over and over again. the evil ones has strategically placed all kinds of stones in our paths. These stumbling blocks are like the day-to-day pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. In fact, many people in this world lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives. But God doesn’t want us to live stressed out and overwhelmed. He wants us to live a life of rest and peace. peace is the only way to avoid the rocks along the way of your spiritual journey.

Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble" (Psalm 119:165).

lets make the Word of God our number one priority, it helps us to move forward with our eyes wide open. His Word lights our path and helps us see clearly in our roads. God's word give us inner peace and assurance.His Word is life and strength to your body, and it will protect and direct your how your legs should walk.

i realized in times of problems eruption, take steps backwards. take rest , retreat and meditate on God's promises. There in that secret place with him, you can cast all your problems upon him, release all your burdens and you will too find rest. The peace in his arms, his presence is unexplainable! he will pour peace upon your burdens, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated TRUST ME!.

See friends, when jesus was around, He took time for Himself. He got away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. That’s how He found rest.

For God said :

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29)

so today, when u face problems be assured you can find him at your retreat home. - A PLACE ONLY FOR YOU AND HIM

Wednesday 30 March 2011

lets choose LOVE

Our God is a good God, and He has good things in store for you! He has given you the power to experience life, health, peace and blessing in every area of your life. All we have to do is follow closely by his word be obedient to His Word, when we put Him first in every area, he promised that our way will be prosperous, and we will experience success. so as he prosper us, what do we do ? we give and share our blessing onto others. we are called to be in and with the multititudes to understand them and love them just as how God has love us. Share our love with them be a "living testimony ". When you step out and bless other people, it is like as though we are honoring and blessing the Lord because when you give to others in need, the Bible says it’s like giving directly to God Himself. Sometimes we may feel uncomfortable to walk over and pay for someone’s gas, but that’s being generous. the bible call us to love people around us, by loving them what would you do for them ? Take a step back and reflect, ask yourself what will you do for someone you love ? Then do it onto others. give our best , stretch ourselves today to b a cheerful giver. God will continue to bless us more and more. He has never short change us. So dear friends , Today, look for ways to give generously and meet the needs of others. Remember, people have many different types of needs. Thus there are many ways you can bless them with. There may be someone who needs some encouragement. Give generously when you give that encouragement. There may be someone in your life that just needs a friend; they need some quality time. Give generously of your time and pour into that person. Always remember as you give generously to others, God will multiply those seeds in your own life in return! “...The righteous give generously”(Psalm 37:21)
be righteous !
so today declare His Word in order to set our blessing into motion. When we declare His Word, it empowers us to obey His Word, and then we will see the success He promises rain down on us. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”(Joshua 1:8, NKJV) therefore when we meditate on the word and his promises, we will have his blessings. we will then have the ability to bless onto others.
a compassionate heart is all it takes


Thursday 17 March 2011

Daddy's hands

There are days i feel out of control, there are times i feel so weak and so alone left out there to handle the situations , the huge mess the devil has created in your life.

But recently, i realised.. out of those problems and dirt mess you have, my abba father is always there. i dont need a shoulder to cry on, or any someone to lift me through these problems. the person you can get real comfortable with is BIG DADDY :)

Friends , No matter what weakness you think you may have, no matter what inadequacies or setbacks you’ve encountered, i believe daddy wants to give you His divine strength! He wants to make up the difference and put you further ahead than you ever thought possible. Because daddy has already a plan for us. His dream is to take that difficulty and supernaturally turn it around and use it to bring you good. He will use those tough times to bring you out stronger, more mature and prepared for promotion! Goodness, mercy and unfailing love are part of his plan.

We are God’s most valued possession. Special just like the apple of His eye. He knows everything about you. He even knows the number of hairs you have on your head. He has given you the gifts and abilities that you have for a purpose. You carry great value and significance. Don’t ever lose sight of the treasure He placed within you. Discover it, Make full use of it.

Yes, You may not understand everything that’s going on in your life right now, i dont either. but I kept faith and keep believing. I know that God is working in my life. SO is he working in yours. Keep being faithful. Keep doing the right thing, knowing that in the end God is going to turn things around in your favor. If God is for you, who can be against you? No one. "Greater is the One who is in you than anyone who can be against you."

so Today, No matter what’s going on around you today, you can put your shoulders back and put a smile on your face because God is working things together for your good because He loves you!

“...for when I am weak [in human strength], then am I [truly] strong (able, powerful in divine strength)”
(2 Corinthians 12:10)

DADDY will make you seem bigger than you really are. He can make you look more powerful. He knows how to multiply your influence, your strength, your talent and your income. You don’t have to figure it all out; all you have to do is put your trust and keep faith in Him. If you will release your faith for a supernatural year and wake up every day expecting God’s far and beyond favor, then you’re going to see God show up and make the difference in every area of your life..

i believe, He approved me and called me His own. Yes i may have been overlooked by people in my life. maybe in different aspects different areas, you were not appreciated, your talents , skills were look down on especially from someone you value most, or his comments mean a lot to you. But remember, at least daddy won’t ever overlook you! In fact, He handpicked you, he handpicked me. He chose you and me to be holy, or set apart, for Himself.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”
(Romans 8:28)

TODAY , take captive of your own life, your own thoughts,boldly declare His promises over your life, you are setting yourself up for victory through all the tribulations you faced.
The days you say " this relationship is too far gone " , " i am tired, so sick of whats going on" .This usually happens when we allow our circumstances to control our thoughts and attitudes. Today is the day to take your life back by choosing to take your thoughts back. Even though we live in this natural realm, as Daddy's children, we should not be limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s power by making every thought line up with the Word of God. Daddy's positive promises, his truth will set you free. Don’t allow your circumstances to control you; instead, meditate on His Word.

“...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”

(2 Corinthians 10:5)


Saturday 5 March 2011


Many wondered, what is my purpose for living on earth ? Many stressed people out there caught up in circles thinking what is next and get to engrosed in that thought to end up still at the same spot never moved an inch. Many even look for fortune tellers or witch doctors to read the futures for them.

Pastor Derek mentioned during one of the Bible Study lessons,
in fact there are many people out there wondering whats next in line in their life, look at the books on life's purpose, it top the book store charts every week, every month. Look at Rick Warren's purpose driven life , WoW! such a popular book.

Well as for me, i say God has plans for my life. He placed a vision in your mind, a voice by your ear that rings you when ever you drift away. A goal, A dream...

so what are all these ?

Take a step back, have you ever thought God could use you to do great works in the future ?
the bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him"

Did you know friends, that God has already written out the story of your life? He’s written out plans for your good, plans to prosper you, plans for peace in your life.

Sometimes sit back and look into your past, ask yourselves, have god done something in your life, for the past 10 years, 20 years , 25 years ?
If someone would have told me ten years ago while I was in pri 6 that one day I would be going to MI after my sec school life, someone there will bring me to church, become a christian of city harvest, meet gabriel in 2007 , going into SOT in 2011. I would have said, “You’ve totally lost your mind!” At the time, I could not even fathom that! I never knew i would become a christian, given my family strict-ness in religion, never will i even think i will come and then meet my current boyfriend here and still go into SOT.

Then again ask yourselves, have you been blessed ?
-YES i was ! you ?

Friends Therefore, be humble and thankful that what you have now is by God's grace. not by your own strength but by his glory. His plans for you wont stop just here. So you dont have to worry what is next in life. JUST .. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word and keep your heart and mind open to what He has for you because you haven’t seen anything yet! it will keep on getting better. That is how God wants to bless you in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and with things so wonderful you can’t even fathom or imagine it! The story of your life isn’t over! Keep moving forward, keep believing, keep hoping, keep forgiving because your days are written out for good, and it’s time to turn the page and see the blessing He has in store for your life! Sometimes, people just need to let go and let God take control of situations.

Yes! sometimes you may feel that you are running dry, God's not answering your prayer, youre facing lots of troubles, you might be facing some circumstances that seem unfair, or things aren’t going the way you planned, and you really want to know what is next... But friends i tell you fear not for, God’s good plan still remains he has wonderful things prepared for your future! He never stops working, 24/7 always working behind the scenes on your behalf to move you forward into the destiny that He has prepared for you.

You know why your life isnt a bed of roses ?
God will use everything you go through to move you forward toward that good plan he planned for you. When things happen that we don’t understand, it’s easy to think, “Why did this happen? Why did this friend betray me? Why did this this and why not that ?” But, you can’t let the things you don’t understand keep you stuck on the same page in the story of your life. You have to decide to turn the page so that you can see the victory waiting for you in the next chapter.
SEE thats what i meant by going in circle with fortune tellers and witch doctors, you are just not flipping the pages in the story of your life.

Psalm 139:16 says
"...all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be"

Remember dear all, in order to keep your life moving in the right direction, you need to keep your thoughts, heart and words moving in the right direction too. The best way to do this is by declaring His wonderful deeds! Be thankful for what you have now.

“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare”(Psalm 40:5, NIV)

Therefore When you start recounting all the ways God has blessed your life, you’ll find that His goodness goes beyond what you could ever imagine.

Right now, after reading so much, take a moment and focus on him, think about all the goodness in your life. Declare His deeds! Keep your words and thoughts going in the right direction so you can keep moving forward into the abundant life He has promised you!

SO Today, get ready for an increase. Get prepared for greater things in life. This year is the year to step into blessings rain down by God, you can’t even imagine.


Monday 14 February 2011

Unconditional Love

Happy Valentines Day to readers out there. (:

Dear all, how do we define Love ? Bsed on the dictionary out there in the world it is, "an intense affection for another person based on familial or personal ties". Often people naturally loved other people, or we say we love other people, when we are attracted to them and when they make us feel good.

For personal ,
Many times we heard or said, "I love you because you are cute;" or "I love you because you take good care of me;" or "I love you because you are fun to be with" - We love based on feelings and emotions that can change from one moment to the next.

Why are there so many divorce cases out there ? Because husbands and wives supposedly stop loving one another-or they "fall out of love". They may go through a rough patch in their marriage, and they no longer "feel" love for their spouse, so they call it quits. this just prove that some people out there love someone because they fulfill a condition that we require before we can love them. so what happens to the vows made "till death do us part"?

That valentine weekend i witness many couples showed their love and affection again as they made vows to one another. - a loving insight . It reminded me of a verse " love others just as God have loved us "

God's love for us is unconditional, The Bible tells us that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). throughout the bible, love is everywhere. so what is the definition of God's love ?

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - God defines love as an act of giving, even at the expense of a sacrifice.

Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

There are no conditions placed on God's love for us. God doesn't say, "as soon as you repent, I'll love you; " "I'll sacrifice for you if you promise to love Me." - we do not need to do anything in exchange for his love because his love exist forever, it has always been there.

So what is true love here ?

Knowing how unconditional God had loved us, can we be even close to his actions by loving others out there ? Can couples show more affection towards each other , stick to their vows and promises ? Can friends show more grace towards each other , show care and concern and meet the needs of who you called friends ?

This valentines 2011, what are you doing today ? Bless others with the love u can show. Not only to your friends and love ones but remember love your enemies too.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Loyal by time

Time and time again, people tend to suffer from problems. Striving hard to make something happen. Maybe it is in your finances, your health, family issues, relationships etc..

It's good we work hard, but we always have to remember our breakthroughs and victories comes from God. It doesnt come by might or by power. Sometimes people just have to learn to wait upon the right time.

I remembered, Pastor once said, our "birthdays" will come. it is only a matter of time. If breakthroughs have not knock on your door, continue to strive and keep in faith n believe. Sadly, many will turn away from God when they faced problems and down times. These people let emotions take over them.

Ever wondered if this is a test of loyalty ?
Dear all, think again, ever noticed that righteousness and loyalty go together? This also means if we’re not being loyal to things around us (our family, friends, country, job) , we aren’t going to experience God’s best. Loyal people are honorable people, you are a person of integrity. You build trust and security in others. Likewise, to God be loyal.

Think again are you loyal to God? Are you faithful in the things you’re committed to, the things he have asked of you? Or are you letting distractions of everyday life keep you from pursuing loyalty. If you LOVE someone you will be loyal to that person. likewise, Do you LOVE God? Show your love by staying loyal. As you pursue loyalty and righteousness, good things will come the way God has planned out for you, just as he promised "you will find that abundant life the Lord has planned for you" .

At any time always stay faithful and loyal, prayer makes wonders. When you know God is breathing in your direction, dare to take a leap of faith. This is your time to accomplish your dreams. It is like as though you will feel a wind beneath your wings, a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. Friends remember deep that it is by his strength and power not by yours.

Ask yourselves are in a situation like that?
- I was! But i did what i have to, i kept praying and believeing. & Today i experienced God's blessing pouring like never ending on me. Breakthroughs in many areas, Miracles after miracles.
So today stay in the mids of his pressence, hear from him. Your season, your birthday will come. Dwell in faith, keep believeing that God can open doors that no man can shut. He is working behind the scenes in your favor. Prepare yourselves to embrace the blessing he had stored for you.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Sadly, people often dont realise and they do not appreciate what they have.

In some situations, you realised you couldnt click with some people. No matter how hard you tried. afterwhich you realised people hated you, gossiped about you, even if you were doing the right thing.

In the world, These usually happens when you get a blessing.

Maybe you’ve noticed this in your own life. When you start to do better, the people around you don’t celebrate. People around you turn jealous. They show you different kinds of expressions. But always remember you can’t allow the attitudes of others to hold you back and cause you to live in mediocrity. Many tends to forget this point, they tend to get affected by the eartly distractions. So many people today tried to fit themselves into this world thinking that by doing so they will find inner peace. They search through relationships, addictions, money, gadgets and even religion to try to find something that will fill the void inside. They do anything just to be wary of what others think about them.

Imagine doing things against God's will . Sins . just to fit your ass into the surroundings ?

- youre just being shallow humans.

- Ever wonder "What's the point ? " " Why cant you live life just the way you want it ? "

If only people could understand that true peace isn’t found in anything this world has to offer, it can only be found through a personal relationship with Christ. You do not need to please anyone, infact you cant please everyone. What will the world be like then?

Our God gives freely, not as the world gives. He is our provider ! You can’t earn it, and you can’t pay for it. There’s no catch, no strings attached. You can be rest assured that He’s not ever going to take the blessings he bestowed on you away; His gifts are eternal! So friends align your thoughts, attitudes and actions with His Word, that peace and blessings will flood every area.

Instead, of digging for a solution when others critise you when you do the right thing, when people speak ill of you, remember you’re blessed & shake off the criticism of others and receive his blessing with open arms. He knows what is best for you at the right place and time.

Remember the story about isaac friends ? when isaac got blessed, the people around him, the Philistines and his friends all of the sudden got jealous of him. They were fine when he was broke. But when isaac recieved a blessings, people around him hated him.

Dear all . Ever come across a star from God that says “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”(John 14:27, NIV) ?

- whats there to worry ? why do we need to be influence by the worldy mindset ? why must we get so affected ?

That wasnt the life God has sent us to live for. Instead of fitting into the worldy surroundings , we were supposed to bring these people out.

So ask yourselves what are you doing today ?


Ever wondered why we have areas in our lives where we desire so much for a change, areas that we want to see breakthroughs in but we never see it coming?

Ever tried looking at those problems in another perspective ? what is in the forefront of your mind and in your heart? Are you constantly dwelling on your problems or things that have happened in your past? Don't you get tired ?

- I AM. It's draining ...

Humans often complicate life more often than we are called to do, or need to. We get [BUSY] with trying to figure out this and that and having our noses poke into so many other things just to find a comfort zone. People spend lots of time analyzing situations in circles.

Think out of the boxes today, where have you pitched your tent? where have you placed yourselves in? What are you expecting to see this change, this year in 2011? Where have you placed those promises God promised?

Stop focusing on what’s wrong or what’s not working, stop heading in circles. It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation. Apply God's word to your situations. activate the change in your life just by remembering and confessing the promises he gave to us. Friends move out if the land of discouragement, move out of the " OH it's not gonna happen ! " , move out of those "I DONT think i can make it" , "I CANT do it ! "
Change today lies in your attitude, your thoughts . So what is your attitude today ?

The world today dwells in negativity , you often hear gossips, emo-ness , self pity, insecurities. Child of God, dwell in his pressence, declare his faithfulness. Remember friends, look in the natural but with the sparks of your spitural eyes. Look far dear friends, in the natural you move towards where your eyes leads you, likewise the spiritual, whatever you focus on you will be drawn towards it.

Therefore today, If you are constantly dwelling on your problems or things in your past, wondering “what if,” "why not ? ", "maybe" then you will stay right where you are.

Choose to forgive today, choose to let go and release those problems, choose to make that change. Turn your focus point, take a step towards where your spirit man leads you. you will never be put to shame. pitch your tent in the land of hope - the promise land where his peace, blessing and victory reign forever.

The change starts when you give God your heart and soul, dwell in his pressence and peace will be upon you, breakthroughs will come.

Get out of those problem circles today.

It may seemed difficult but it is just all in the mind. It isnt far :)