Tuesday 8 February 2011


Ever wondered why we have areas in our lives where we desire so much for a change, areas that we want to see breakthroughs in but we never see it coming?

Ever tried looking at those problems in another perspective ? what is in the forefront of your mind and in your heart? Are you constantly dwelling on your problems or things that have happened in your past? Don't you get tired ?

- I AM. It's draining ...

Humans often complicate life more often than we are called to do, or need to. We get [BUSY] with trying to figure out this and that and having our noses poke into so many other things just to find a comfort zone. People spend lots of time analyzing situations in circles.

Think out of the boxes today, where have you pitched your tent? where have you placed yourselves in? What are you expecting to see this change, this year in 2011? Where have you placed those promises God promised?

Stop focusing on what’s wrong or what’s not working, stop heading in circles. It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation. Apply God's word to your situations. activate the change in your life just by remembering and confessing the promises he gave to us. Friends move out if the land of discouragement, move out of the " OH it's not gonna happen ! " , move out of those "I DONT think i can make it" , "I CANT do it ! "
Change today lies in your attitude, your thoughts . So what is your attitude today ?

The world today dwells in negativity , you often hear gossips, emo-ness , self pity, insecurities. Child of God, dwell in his pressence, declare his faithfulness. Remember friends, look in the natural but with the sparks of your spitural eyes. Look far dear friends, in the natural you move towards where your eyes leads you, likewise the spiritual, whatever you focus on you will be drawn towards it.

Therefore today, If you are constantly dwelling on your problems or things in your past, wondering “what if,” "why not ? ", "maybe" then you will stay right where you are.

Choose to forgive today, choose to let go and release those problems, choose to make that change. Turn your focus point, take a step towards where your spirit man leads you. you will never be put to shame. pitch your tent in the land of hope - the promise land where his peace, blessing and victory reign forever.

The change starts when you give God your heart and soul, dwell in his pressence and peace will be upon you, breakthroughs will come.

Get out of those problem circles today.

It may seemed difficult but it is just all in the mind. It isnt far :)

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