Monday 14 February 2011

Unconditional Love

Happy Valentines Day to readers out there. (:

Dear all, how do we define Love ? Bsed on the dictionary out there in the world it is, "an intense affection for another person based on familial or personal ties". Often people naturally loved other people, or we say we love other people, when we are attracted to them and when they make us feel good.

For personal ,
Many times we heard or said, "I love you because you are cute;" or "I love you because you take good care of me;" or "I love you because you are fun to be with" - We love based on feelings and emotions that can change from one moment to the next.

Why are there so many divorce cases out there ? Because husbands and wives supposedly stop loving one another-or they "fall out of love". They may go through a rough patch in their marriage, and they no longer "feel" love for their spouse, so they call it quits. this just prove that some people out there love someone because they fulfill a condition that we require before we can love them. so what happens to the vows made "till death do us part"?

That valentine weekend i witness many couples showed their love and affection again as they made vows to one another. - a loving insight . It reminded me of a verse " love others just as God have loved us "

God's love for us is unconditional, The Bible tells us that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). throughout the bible, love is everywhere. so what is the definition of God's love ?

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - God defines love as an act of giving, even at the expense of a sacrifice.

Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

There are no conditions placed on God's love for us. God doesn't say, "as soon as you repent, I'll love you; " "I'll sacrifice for you if you promise to love Me." - we do not need to do anything in exchange for his love because his love exist forever, it has always been there.

So what is true love here ?

Knowing how unconditional God had loved us, can we be even close to his actions by loving others out there ? Can couples show more affection towards each other , stick to their vows and promises ? Can friends show more grace towards each other , show care and concern and meet the needs of who you called friends ?

This valentines 2011, what are you doing today ? Bless others with the love u can show. Not only to your friends and love ones but remember love your enemies too.

1 comment:

  1. You are getting better each time you write..
    Many a times, people don't meditate on the things shared with them, but you did..

    Really think you had taken the first step to SOT..
    Jiayous and Write more meaningful posts..

