Saturday 5 March 2011


Many wondered, what is my purpose for living on earth ? Many stressed people out there caught up in circles thinking what is next and get to engrosed in that thought to end up still at the same spot never moved an inch. Many even look for fortune tellers or witch doctors to read the futures for them.

Pastor Derek mentioned during one of the Bible Study lessons,
in fact there are many people out there wondering whats next in line in their life, look at the books on life's purpose, it top the book store charts every week, every month. Look at Rick Warren's purpose driven life , WoW! such a popular book.

Well as for me, i say God has plans for my life. He placed a vision in your mind, a voice by your ear that rings you when ever you drift away. A goal, A dream...

so what are all these ?

Take a step back, have you ever thought God could use you to do great works in the future ?
the bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him"

Did you know friends, that God has already written out the story of your life? He’s written out plans for your good, plans to prosper you, plans for peace in your life.

Sometimes sit back and look into your past, ask yourselves, have god done something in your life, for the past 10 years, 20 years , 25 years ?
If someone would have told me ten years ago while I was in pri 6 that one day I would be going to MI after my sec school life, someone there will bring me to church, become a christian of city harvest, meet gabriel in 2007 , going into SOT in 2011. I would have said, “You’ve totally lost your mind!” At the time, I could not even fathom that! I never knew i would become a christian, given my family strict-ness in religion, never will i even think i will come and then meet my current boyfriend here and still go into SOT.

Then again ask yourselves, have you been blessed ?
-YES i was ! you ?

Friends Therefore, be humble and thankful that what you have now is by God's grace. not by your own strength but by his glory. His plans for you wont stop just here. So you dont have to worry what is next in life. JUST .. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word and keep your heart and mind open to what He has for you because you haven’t seen anything yet! it will keep on getting better. That is how God wants to bless you in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and with things so wonderful you can’t even fathom or imagine it! The story of your life isn’t over! Keep moving forward, keep believing, keep hoping, keep forgiving because your days are written out for good, and it’s time to turn the page and see the blessing He has in store for your life! Sometimes, people just need to let go and let God take control of situations.

Yes! sometimes you may feel that you are running dry, God's not answering your prayer, youre facing lots of troubles, you might be facing some circumstances that seem unfair, or things aren’t going the way you planned, and you really want to know what is next... But friends i tell you fear not for, God’s good plan still remains he has wonderful things prepared for your future! He never stops working, 24/7 always working behind the scenes on your behalf to move you forward into the destiny that He has prepared for you.

You know why your life isnt a bed of roses ?
God will use everything you go through to move you forward toward that good plan he planned for you. When things happen that we don’t understand, it’s easy to think, “Why did this happen? Why did this friend betray me? Why did this this and why not that ?” But, you can’t let the things you don’t understand keep you stuck on the same page in the story of your life. You have to decide to turn the page so that you can see the victory waiting for you in the next chapter.
SEE thats what i meant by going in circle with fortune tellers and witch doctors, you are just not flipping the pages in the story of your life.

Psalm 139:16 says
"...all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be"

Remember dear all, in order to keep your life moving in the right direction, you need to keep your thoughts, heart and words moving in the right direction too. The best way to do this is by declaring His wonderful deeds! Be thankful for what you have now.

“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare”(Psalm 40:5, NIV)

Therefore When you start recounting all the ways God has blessed your life, you’ll find that His goodness goes beyond what you could ever imagine.

Right now, after reading so much, take a moment and focus on him, think about all the goodness in your life. Declare His deeds! Keep your words and thoughts going in the right direction so you can keep moving forward into the abundant life He has promised you!

SO Today, get ready for an increase. Get prepared for greater things in life. This year is the year to step into blessings rain down by God, you can’t even imagine.


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