Wednesday 30 March 2011

lets choose LOVE

Our God is a good God, and He has good things in store for you! He has given you the power to experience life, health, peace and blessing in every area of your life. All we have to do is follow closely by his word be obedient to His Word, when we put Him first in every area, he promised that our way will be prosperous, and we will experience success. so as he prosper us, what do we do ? we give and share our blessing onto others. we are called to be in and with the multititudes to understand them and love them just as how God has love us. Share our love with them be a "living testimony ". When you step out and bless other people, it is like as though we are honoring and blessing the Lord because when you give to others in need, the Bible says it’s like giving directly to God Himself. Sometimes we may feel uncomfortable to walk over and pay for someone’s gas, but that’s being generous. the bible call us to love people around us, by loving them what would you do for them ? Take a step back and reflect, ask yourself what will you do for someone you love ? Then do it onto others. give our best , stretch ourselves today to b a cheerful giver. God will continue to bless us more and more. He has never short change us. So dear friends , Today, look for ways to give generously and meet the needs of others. Remember, people have many different types of needs. Thus there are many ways you can bless them with. There may be someone who needs some encouragement. Give generously when you give that encouragement. There may be someone in your life that just needs a friend; they need some quality time. Give generously of your time and pour into that person. Always remember as you give generously to others, God will multiply those seeds in your own life in return! “...The righteous give generously”(Psalm 37:21)
be righteous !
so today declare His Word in order to set our blessing into motion. When we declare His Word, it empowers us to obey His Word, and then we will see the success He promises rain down on us. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”(Joshua 1:8, NKJV) therefore when we meditate on the word and his promises, we will have his blessings. we will then have the ability to bless onto others.
a compassionate heart is all it takes


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