Thursday 17 March 2011

Daddy's hands

There are days i feel out of control, there are times i feel so weak and so alone left out there to handle the situations , the huge mess the devil has created in your life.

But recently, i realised.. out of those problems and dirt mess you have, my abba father is always there. i dont need a shoulder to cry on, or any someone to lift me through these problems. the person you can get real comfortable with is BIG DADDY :)

Friends , No matter what weakness you think you may have, no matter what inadequacies or setbacks you’ve encountered, i believe daddy wants to give you His divine strength! He wants to make up the difference and put you further ahead than you ever thought possible. Because daddy has already a plan for us. His dream is to take that difficulty and supernaturally turn it around and use it to bring you good. He will use those tough times to bring you out stronger, more mature and prepared for promotion! Goodness, mercy and unfailing love are part of his plan.

We are God’s most valued possession. Special just like the apple of His eye. He knows everything about you. He even knows the number of hairs you have on your head. He has given you the gifts and abilities that you have for a purpose. You carry great value and significance. Don’t ever lose sight of the treasure He placed within you. Discover it, Make full use of it.

Yes, You may not understand everything that’s going on in your life right now, i dont either. but I kept faith and keep believing. I know that God is working in my life. SO is he working in yours. Keep being faithful. Keep doing the right thing, knowing that in the end God is going to turn things around in your favor. If God is for you, who can be against you? No one. "Greater is the One who is in you than anyone who can be against you."

so Today, No matter what’s going on around you today, you can put your shoulders back and put a smile on your face because God is working things together for your good because He loves you!

“...for when I am weak [in human strength], then am I [truly] strong (able, powerful in divine strength)”
(2 Corinthians 12:10)

DADDY will make you seem bigger than you really are. He can make you look more powerful. He knows how to multiply your influence, your strength, your talent and your income. You don’t have to figure it all out; all you have to do is put your trust and keep faith in Him. If you will release your faith for a supernatural year and wake up every day expecting God’s far and beyond favor, then you’re going to see God show up and make the difference in every area of your life..

i believe, He approved me and called me His own. Yes i may have been overlooked by people in my life. maybe in different aspects different areas, you were not appreciated, your talents , skills were look down on especially from someone you value most, or his comments mean a lot to you. But remember, at least daddy won’t ever overlook you! In fact, He handpicked you, he handpicked me. He chose you and me to be holy, or set apart, for Himself.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”
(Romans 8:28)

TODAY , take captive of your own life, your own thoughts,boldly declare His promises over your life, you are setting yourself up for victory through all the tribulations you faced.
The days you say " this relationship is too far gone " , " i am tired, so sick of whats going on" .This usually happens when we allow our circumstances to control our thoughts and attitudes. Today is the day to take your life back by choosing to take your thoughts back. Even though we live in this natural realm, as Daddy's children, we should not be limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s power by making every thought line up with the Word of God. Daddy's positive promises, his truth will set you free. Don’t allow your circumstances to control you; instead, meditate on His Word.

“...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”

(2 Corinthians 10:5)



  1. ya ,i believe that you grab hold on Him , He will guides u , u have to be still and listen ! give thanks even u r happy! =)
    we all SOT members will b there!
