Thursday 10 February 2011

Loyal by time

Time and time again, people tend to suffer from problems. Striving hard to make something happen. Maybe it is in your finances, your health, family issues, relationships etc..

It's good we work hard, but we always have to remember our breakthroughs and victories comes from God. It doesnt come by might or by power. Sometimes people just have to learn to wait upon the right time.

I remembered, Pastor once said, our "birthdays" will come. it is only a matter of time. If breakthroughs have not knock on your door, continue to strive and keep in faith n believe. Sadly, many will turn away from God when they faced problems and down times. These people let emotions take over them.

Ever wondered if this is a test of loyalty ?
Dear all, think again, ever noticed that righteousness and loyalty go together? This also means if we’re not being loyal to things around us (our family, friends, country, job) , we aren’t going to experience God’s best. Loyal people are honorable people, you are a person of integrity. You build trust and security in others. Likewise, to God be loyal.

Think again are you loyal to God? Are you faithful in the things you’re committed to, the things he have asked of you? Or are you letting distractions of everyday life keep you from pursuing loyalty. If you LOVE someone you will be loyal to that person. likewise, Do you LOVE God? Show your love by staying loyal. As you pursue loyalty and righteousness, good things will come the way God has planned out for you, just as he promised "you will find that abundant life the Lord has planned for you" .

At any time always stay faithful and loyal, prayer makes wonders. When you know God is breathing in your direction, dare to take a leap of faith. This is your time to accomplish your dreams. It is like as though you will feel a wind beneath your wings, a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. Friends remember deep that it is by his strength and power not by yours.

Ask yourselves are in a situation like that?
- I was! But i did what i have to, i kept praying and believeing. & Today i experienced God's blessing pouring like never ending on me. Breakthroughs in many areas, Miracles after miracles.
So today stay in the mids of his pressence, hear from him. Your season, your birthday will come. Dwell in faith, keep believeing that God can open doors that no man can shut. He is working behind the scenes in your favor. Prepare yourselves to embrace the blessing he had stored for you.

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