Saturday 16 April 2011

The Anticipating Encounter

Tomorrow is my baptism .. and i m just so excited for a fresh touch from God. A new day, a new encounter.

I believe that in the coming years, God wants to exceed my expectations! He has amazing things stored up for me. He’ll take me to places that i have never dreamed and give me breaks that once seemed sooo impossible. I believe that His glory is rising upon His people. - US !

This new day for me, I believe that things are going to fall into place so that i can accomplish what God has placed in my heart. Even the hidden dreams that i may have once given up on, God has not given up on them.- i just know that fact for sure. BECAUSE for the simple fact that he does exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask, think or imagine!

see one of the most amazing transformations in the Bible happened when Saul(formerly the persecutor of Christians ) he encountered God. After his encounter, he was so radically changed from the inside out that even his name was changed to Paul. He began preaching the gospel, and eventually, HE WROTE MOST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.

Hearing all these stories, i just couldnt sit still. just like how your tummy growls when you are hungry, u cant stop it other than eating. same here, when you are spiritually hungry, you just long so much for God. -and i was just reading through foundation truth (by derek prince) part 3 on baptism it just made me more hungry! the yearning is just so unexplainable! i tried to eat some chips to ease that hunger, to realize its all in my mind, theres nothing to do with my tummy.

Just so .... i cant wait for a fresh encounter with God tomorrow.!!!

i Know .. When you have a supernatural encounter with Almighty God, something is going to happen. Something is going to be transformed inside of ME and radiate out into every part of MY being, MY life affecting every part of my life!

SEE ! - isnt it exciting ?

but we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18 )

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 )

those going for baptism tomorrow, or has plans to go sometime soon, I want to encourage you to prepare your heart to expect God’s supernatural touch in your life. - START NOW! your mind may try to talk you out of it, but if you’ll listen with your heart, it will resonate on the inside of you. Don’t let discouragement hold you back or keep you down. It’s time for you to arise. It’s time for you to shine. I pray that you experience God in such a way that every bondage is broken off of your life, and you are forever changed by a supernatural encounter with Him! AMEN!

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