Thursday 27 October 2011

Effective relationships.

Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs

Proverbs 10:12

Have you ever been through times when things didnt go right, over and over again. it's difficult to control our emotions, our temper, our tears & pain.

See times when you dont maintain peace, problems arise. words could just be the fire starter to a eruption. People dont really like the nakedness of your words, you could say you are being honest, being real. But how often you realise your attempt of being real makes things worst. How often you realise, your partner stop talking to you.

Often we need to understand that God just somehow dont unite people that are the same. We are placed together to compliment each other. We just need to learn to complete and not compete. Society today, makes up percieve otherwise. God placed our partners around to cover us with love. Not just someone to have fun with or sex with. Media today gives us the wrong concept of things, sadly.

God placed man to be a leader and woman to be the helper. Although authority must be maintain, but it must be gentle yet firm at the same time. You dont shake a head without moving a muscle. No point screaming, shouting and become all violent. Your woman are part of you, always remember. Fights and arguments, just show that you're not a winner but a loser. simply because you both are risking your love and happiness over something small and silly.

Dont attempt to change things, but rather rearrange things.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

We have to learn to be accountable for our actions towards our partner.
How often we understand this fact, that we got to cherish that someone God placed in our life.People dont come along so frequent, and paths dont cross easily.


Dont play the BLAME game, because no one is at fault, something small just went wrong somewhere, fix it together. Doesnt matter who is wrong because you both are in it together. Treat each other the way God would treat you. You are not the one who is placed to correct your partner. God will do the job. You are placed there to help in the correction.

You are that green pen for your partner.

Have you heard that your partner would change automatically, when they discover something is wrong somewhere, and that fix come from a conviction. Respect is the key to changes!

We are there to solve problems not create problems. Even if theres wrong here and there, we treat each other with Grace. Because God's mercy endures forever. Even how negative we are, God loved us. So partners, do you love him/her the way God would have loved him/her?

Remember , your love one should be the last one you want to see dissapointed.

1- Being there for each other
- always go beyond what you can get in a relationship. ( fullfillment is always in what you sowed. )

2- Have you intentions re-adjust
- Be the best for her/him. ( always think what i can give to her/him instead of what i can gain from her/him. )

3- Prevent problems before it starts
- be understanding enough to read body languages. ( your response determined if they were going to speak to you ever again. )

4- Never respond to a attitude with a attitude
- always respond positive. ( you cant control how others treat you but you can control how you treat others )

5- Willingness to cover and keep on going.
- be at the weakest of your partner, cover him/her. protect her/him. " Love covers a multitude of sin "

6- Always ask what can i do to improve this relationship.
7- Loved with all your Heart.

A Relationship is fragile.
So be blame & not to blame others.

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