Thursday 10 May 2012

Fatal Words

Came across a story and realised sometimes people to see the importance of control and sensorship or words.

Words can kill a million times more than actions. Words are deemed as emotional abuse.

The words may be uttered by any adult,  a parent, someone they loved most , a teacher, favorite relative, even a Scout leader.Coming from a trusted someone, can hit as hard as a fist, sometimes much harder. Although no bones arebroken, but the words leave vicious emotional scars. Inflicted repeatedly for months or years, thebruises heal slowly and can shatter a youngster's self-image, turning the person into an emotional cripple for life.

There are many forms of emotional abuse all have this description in common: The victims are people who have their personalities attacked, and sense of personal value is undermined. They are usually left
feeling unloved, unsafe, and not feeling worthwhile.

How harmful is emotional abuse compared to physical abuse? - based on a research article .
People, can't show their scars right away, so the abuse usually continues longer than
physical abuse, much the same as sexual abuse goes on for a longtime because the person who is abused is afraid to tell anyone. As a result, the scars fromboth emotional and sexual abuse are often deeper and more hidden, and come back to haunt people later in their lives.

I came acrossed this story ,

A boy proposed his girlfriend for marriage, He did all the romantic things ......

Girl: Tell me... who do you love most in this world..?
Boy: You, of course!
Girl: what am I to you?
Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said "u r missing part of my heart".

 She smiled,and she accepted his proposal. ♥ After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while.However,the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of daily problems...their life became difficult. All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to drift away deir dreams and love for each other...The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became make their relation more worst.

One day, after the quarrel, the girl ran out of the house.... At the opposite side of the
road, she shouted,"You don't love me...!"

The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, said,"May be, it was a mistake for us to
be together..! You were never da missing part of my ♥ ...!"

Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while.... He regretted what he said but
words spoken cant be taken back. With tears in her eyes, she went home to pack her things and Before leaving the house,she left a note for him: "If I'm really not the missing part of ur ♥, let me go..n search for someone who is...It is less painful this way...let us go on our separate ways and
search for our own partners..."

Five years went by... He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly..... . She had left the country and was living her dreams. He use to regret on what he did but never tried to
bring her back.. In the dark and lonely night, he lit his cigarette and felt the lingering ache in his
heart.He couldn't bring himself to admit that he was missing her.....

One day, they finally met.... At the airport, He was going away on a business trip .He saw
her,She was standing there alone, with just the security door separating them. She smiled at him gently.

Boy: How are you ?
Girl: I'm fine. How about you... Have you found your heart's missing part...?
Boy: No.
Girl: I'll be flying to New York in the next flight.
Boy: I'll be back in 2 weeks time. Give me a call when you are back...You know my number... Nothing has changed.

With a smile, she turned around and waved goodbye..
"Good-bye . . ."

Same evening he heard of a plane crash which was headed to New York.He tried to know about her and found that,She died.

Midnight..... Once again, he lit his cigarette..... And like before, he felt the lingering ache in
his heart.... He finally knew, she was that missing part that he had carelessly broken ....

Sometimes, people say things out of moments of fury..... Most often , the outcome is disastrous and fatal at tyms.... We take out our 99% frustrations at our loved ones.... And even though we know that we ought to"think twice and act wisely", we actually dont do it. Things happen each day, many of which are beyond our control. Try not to hurt ur loved once,because of a moment of anger
could b a lifetym punishment...

Treasure and Cherish those Dear to your heart.
Words kill, words give life ; they're either poison or fruit - you choose ( proverbs 18:21 the message )

Friday 2 March 2012

Hope in Despairs

"The loneliest moment in life is when you have just experienced that which you thought would deliver the ultimate, and it has just let you down." – Ravi Zacharias

"When the music’s over, turn out the light." – The Doors
What do you do when your cherished fantasies dissolve, or resolve into unsatisfying reality?

What are we living for when our "ultimate" fails to live up to expectations and lets us down?

What hope do you cling to when the concept that you find so compelling and important is disregarded by those who need it most?
How do you handle the realization that you cannot change the world, and your spit in the ocean feels so insignificant?

What happens when the acquisition of knowledge fails to satisfy or give enough answers?

What do you do when your youth and beauty fade, and you are left, mid-life, looking backwards?

When the temporary satiation of an addiction leaves you feeling spent and used, and the effects diminished, how do you deal handle the disappointment? What is the next level, the further hope beyond what has let us down so far, that we cling to as the "real" ultimate? Can we afford to let ourselves hope again?
The Answer ......
The hole left by collapsed dreams, hopes, and fantasies is God-shaped, and anything else that promises to fill it is a counterfeit, a sin, and/or a misapplication of some "good" that isn’t meant to be so glorified.

Monday 27 February 2012

Count your blessings

What have God given to me ? isnt this a question many people tend to ask themselves?
sometimes people tend to think its unfair seeing the bad guys getting all the blessings. But how often did you look hard into the changes and surprises you recieved.
It is written,
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”(2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV)
I realised, you might not get what you pray for, but it doesnt mean that God has forgotten about you. I took a look at my surroundings and found many things that contribute to my happiness. And then you will start to realise you have many things. Just not the one you might be looking for.

Over the last few days, the most predominant thought or rather feeling has been of plentitude. Life has a strange way of having sooo much of everything.
So much work; so much spare time; so much activity; so much rest; so much of longing; so much of dispassion; so much of everything; so much of nothing...
In fact as I realized, even the feeling of neglect and lack is in plenty. Most people really feel the lack or dearth in life. And that this feeling is so strong and so deep. It doesn’t come superficially-
it comes like a gushing wave and sweeps over us. That’s life!
Sometimes i feel that all that matters is what use we put it to. How we choose to see things.
We have this power so profound working all the time. Have we ever wonder that we haven’t mastered the art of making ourselves happy with what we have.
To us it may just be something small like a seed. But i realise that the seed contains in itself the tree, the fruit, the leaves, the branches, the buds and the flowers.
Today, you may be thinking, “I’m not blessed. I’m not confident. I’m not healthy. I’m not favored.” But when God says you’re blessed, don’t try to figure it out. Just agree with God and say, “I am blessed.” When God calls you prosperous, don’t go check your bank account. Don’t go look at the stock report. Just agree with God and say, “I am prosperous.” Things may look impossible. That’s all right. live a simple life Dont complicate things and things will turn out fine.
when you agree with God, you are positioning yourself for a miracle. We serve a God of abundance! He is more than enough! No matter what is on your “plate” of life, God wants to pour out His abundant grace upon you.
Thank God for the little things i over looked.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Effective relationships.

Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs

Proverbs 10:12

Have you ever been through times when things didnt go right, over and over again. it's difficult to control our emotions, our temper, our tears & pain.

See times when you dont maintain peace, problems arise. words could just be the fire starter to a eruption. People dont really like the nakedness of your words, you could say you are being honest, being real. But how often you realise your attempt of being real makes things worst. How often you realise, your partner stop talking to you.

Often we need to understand that God just somehow dont unite people that are the same. We are placed together to compliment each other. We just need to learn to complete and not compete. Society today, makes up percieve otherwise. God placed our partners around to cover us with love. Not just someone to have fun with or sex with. Media today gives us the wrong concept of things, sadly.

God placed man to be a leader and woman to be the helper. Although authority must be maintain, but it must be gentle yet firm at the same time. You dont shake a head without moving a muscle. No point screaming, shouting and become all violent. Your woman are part of you, always remember. Fights and arguments, just show that you're not a winner but a loser. simply because you both are risking your love and happiness over something small and silly.

Dont attempt to change things, but rather rearrange things.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

We have to learn to be accountable for our actions towards our partner.
How often we understand this fact, that we got to cherish that someone God placed in our life.People dont come along so frequent, and paths dont cross easily.


Dont play the BLAME game, because no one is at fault, something small just went wrong somewhere, fix it together. Doesnt matter who is wrong because you both are in it together. Treat each other the way God would treat you. You are not the one who is placed to correct your partner. God will do the job. You are placed there to help in the correction.

You are that green pen for your partner.

Have you heard that your partner would change automatically, when they discover something is wrong somewhere, and that fix come from a conviction. Respect is the key to changes!

We are there to solve problems not create problems. Even if theres wrong here and there, we treat each other with Grace. Because God's mercy endures forever. Even how negative we are, God loved us. So partners, do you love him/her the way God would have loved him/her?

Remember , your love one should be the last one you want to see dissapointed.

1- Being there for each other
- always go beyond what you can get in a relationship. ( fullfillment is always in what you sowed. )

2- Have you intentions re-adjust
- Be the best for her/him. ( always think what i can give to her/him instead of what i can gain from her/him. )

3- Prevent problems before it starts
- be understanding enough to read body languages. ( your response determined if they were going to speak to you ever again. )

4- Never respond to a attitude with a attitude
- always respond positive. ( you cant control how others treat you but you can control how you treat others )

5- Willingness to cover and keep on going.
- be at the weakest of your partner, cover him/her. protect her/him. " Love covers a multitude of sin "

6- Always ask what can i do to improve this relationship.
7- Loved with all your Heart.

A Relationship is fragile.
So be blame & not to blame others.

Wednesday 27 April 2011


he been through so much to give the best gift to us, GRACE ...

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness...”- (2 Corinthians 12:9)

The word sufficient simply means competent, enough or qualified. It also means you always have whatever you need by God's grace. I always knew, we serve a God who is more than enough. This is FAITH!

Faith will bring you through everything. Faith in knowing that I will never face anything that God’s grace cannot empower you to move through. His word are like promises to his people.

I never knew meditating on the word will bring me courage to walk on with the burdens or problems i carry. - but now i know because i experience that lightness in every heavy times.

Sometimes, what we are going through has a purpose. But God has given each of us gifts, and He’s given us the grace, the supernatural power to operate in those gifts. So if the problems you are going through is a gateway to something brighter, something bigger, & if God has called you to do something, He has equipped you by His grace. - & that gives us relieve.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us...” - (Romans 12:6)

Therefore ! Anytime you feel weak, remember, when you rely on His grace, that is when you are at your strongest. When you feel like you can’t go on, that’s when He will carry you by His grace. It's a customize grace for you.

You know you are not alone.

Everyone has days when they feel weak. But God has given them His grace too. It will carry them through their difficult times and empower all to move forward in victory. Everyone has their problems too but God is with them too.

Friends, no matter what you may be facing, you’re not facing it alone. You have hope, you are not without resources, your answers are provided long time ago. His grace is sufficient! - and that is all you need.

The bible says ... ... His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That means when we are doing what we are called to do, we are operating in our gift, so there will be a light feeling about it. It's a courage God has given you with. Learn how to move forward to victory with his GIFT. Well,that doesn’t mean there won’t be any opposition. It doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles.

You know , If you are doing something that always seems hard, always seems so heavy and it always drains the energy out of you, this means a big breakthrough is coming. so the clue here is to spend some time with God in prayer. you will feel his strength- HIS GRACE!

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Anticipating Encounter

Tomorrow is my baptism .. and i m just so excited for a fresh touch from God. A new day, a new encounter.

I believe that in the coming years, God wants to exceed my expectations! He has amazing things stored up for me. He’ll take me to places that i have never dreamed and give me breaks that once seemed sooo impossible. I believe that His glory is rising upon His people. - US !

This new day for me, I believe that things are going to fall into place so that i can accomplish what God has placed in my heart. Even the hidden dreams that i may have once given up on, God has not given up on them.- i just know that fact for sure. BECAUSE for the simple fact that he does exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask, think or imagine!

see one of the most amazing transformations in the Bible happened when Saul(formerly the persecutor of Christians ) he encountered God. After his encounter, he was so radically changed from the inside out that even his name was changed to Paul. He began preaching the gospel, and eventually, HE WROTE MOST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.

Hearing all these stories, i just couldnt sit still. just like how your tummy growls when you are hungry, u cant stop it other than eating. same here, when you are spiritually hungry, you just long so much for God. -and i was just reading through foundation truth (by derek prince) part 3 on baptism it just made me more hungry! the yearning is just so unexplainable! i tried to eat some chips to ease that hunger, to realize its all in my mind, theres nothing to do with my tummy.

Just so .... i cant wait for a fresh encounter with God tomorrow.!!!

i Know .. When you have a supernatural encounter with Almighty God, something is going to happen. Something is going to be transformed inside of ME and radiate out into every part of MY being, MY life affecting every part of my life!

SEE ! - isnt it exciting ?

but we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18 )

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 )

those going for baptism tomorrow, or has plans to go sometime soon, I want to encourage you to prepare your heart to expect God’s supernatural touch in your life. - START NOW! your mind may try to talk you out of it, but if you’ll listen with your heart, it will resonate on the inside of you. Don’t let discouragement hold you back or keep you down. It’s time for you to arise. It’s time for you to shine. I pray that you experience God in such a way that every bondage is broken off of your life, and you are forever changed by a supernatural encounter with Him! AMEN!

Sunday 10 April 2011

stumbling blocks

what will you do when you are walking along the road and something caused you fall? maybe a rock caused you to trip and fall. probably, you will just get up, smile and walk away. Frankly speaking , i got the inspiration to write this from the "drop" i had yesterday...

in our spiritual journey, our enemy placed many rocks in our pathway. SATAN darkened the street lamps and make you fall over and over again. the evil ones has strategically placed all kinds of stones in our paths. These stumbling blocks are like the day-to-day pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. In fact, many people in this world lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives. But God doesn’t want us to live stressed out and overwhelmed. He wants us to live a life of rest and peace. peace is the only way to avoid the rocks along the way of your spiritual journey.

Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble" (Psalm 119:165).

lets make the Word of God our number one priority, it helps us to move forward with our eyes wide open. His Word lights our path and helps us see clearly in our roads. God's word give us inner peace and assurance.His Word is life and strength to your body, and it will protect and direct your how your legs should walk.

i realized in times of problems eruption, take steps backwards. take rest , retreat and meditate on God's promises. There in that secret place with him, you can cast all your problems upon him, release all your burdens and you will too find rest. The peace in his arms, his presence is unexplainable! he will pour peace upon your burdens, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated TRUST ME!.

See friends, when jesus was around, He took time for Himself. He got away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. That’s how He found rest.

For God said :

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29)

so today, when u face problems be assured you can find him at your retreat home. - A PLACE ONLY FOR YOU AND HIM