Friday 2 March 2012

Hope in Despairs

"The loneliest moment in life is when you have just experienced that which you thought would deliver the ultimate, and it has just let you down." – Ravi Zacharias

"When the music’s over, turn out the light." – The Doors
What do you do when your cherished fantasies dissolve, or resolve into unsatisfying reality?

What are we living for when our "ultimate" fails to live up to expectations and lets us down?

What hope do you cling to when the concept that you find so compelling and important is disregarded by those who need it most?
How do you handle the realization that you cannot change the world, and your spit in the ocean feels so insignificant?

What happens when the acquisition of knowledge fails to satisfy or give enough answers?

What do you do when your youth and beauty fade, and you are left, mid-life, looking backwards?

When the temporary satiation of an addiction leaves you feeling spent and used, and the effects diminished, how do you deal handle the disappointment? What is the next level, the further hope beyond what has let us down so far, that we cling to as the "real" ultimate? Can we afford to let ourselves hope again?
The Answer ......
The hole left by collapsed dreams, hopes, and fantasies is God-shaped, and anything else that promises to fill it is a counterfeit, a sin, and/or a misapplication of some "good" that isn’t meant to be so glorified.